Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Crazy Baking Marathon

So I volunteered to help prepare food for about 60-70 people for my club meeting. I really should be careful what I volunteer to do, because I always stress myself out. I did the table center pieces, pumpkin soup, now all was left was the baking. How hard would that be to bake. It was not very hard actually, though it was very TIRING. So I baked 72 pumpkin cupcakes and about 90 cookies. For the cupcakes I would pop the in the oven 24 cupcakes at a time. In the afternoon I worked on the sugar cookies. It's always a pain when cutting cookie shapes because the dough gets soft and mushy so I had to pop it in the fridge constantly.  In the end I am happy with the results. Here is all the baked goodies on my table. 

All baked goodies 
70 cupcakes 
Halloween cookies 

I will be posting recipes soon. In the rush to finish I forgot to take pictures of the steps. I think the most important thing I learned was how to organized my time. Toward the middle I had a great flow. Haha I could have been wearing pearls, heels and an apron. It actually became that effortless. Though it wasn't without some cons. I realize I am glad I don't do this for a back would have revoulted against me if I had to do this every day, but every once in a while it is possible to accomplish. But don't expect me to be volunteering to do this again anytime soon. I need at least 6 months before I take this challenge on again. Thanks for reading. Hope you are enjoying October. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October nights and pumpkins

Pumpkin Soup

It's finally starting to feel chilly in Southern California and when I mean chilly I mean it's in the 70s. For the longest it's been in the 90s and I have been wearing flip flops and dresses. Well to celebrate the dip in the temperature I decided to make Pumpkin Soup.

Soups are the easiest thing to do in my opinion. You can make a giant pot and you have soup on hand for a few days.

I got a good medium size pumpkin and cut it up and peeled it. This is the hardest part and I honestly feel that I got such a good arm workout I am skipping my arm exercises for today.

I actually cooked the pumpkin in two batches. You can save half of the uncooked pumpkin and freeze or just cook it and freeze the soup.

Pumpkin Soup

1 TBSP of oil
2 shallots chopped (you could use half an onion instead)
3-4 cloves of garlic
4-6 cups of pumpkin
2 cups of vegetable broth
seasonings of your choice (I like salt, pepper, ginger, and curry)

Heat oil, shallots, and garlic for a few minutes in the pot. Add pumpkin, cover with lid for about 5 minutes, while you heat the broth. Add hot broth. Cook for about 30-40 minutes. (Test to make sure the pumpkin is soft like a potato you were to mash) Use a hand held blender and blend in the pot. You can use a regular blender if you want a super smooth consistency. There you have it...a warm cup of Pumpkin Soup perfect for October.

If you like to add some cream or parsley to garnish that would be a nice touch. Hope you enjoy October with a warm cup of soup.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Witching Hour

Halloween Witch Hat

So I have been made in charge of table setting for the month of October for this club I belong to. So glad I have October, because Halloween is my favorite holiday. I wanted to do something than the usual potted plant that the others usually do for table setting. I found these cardboard witch hats at Michael's they were on sale for $2.25 (they maybe even cheaper at the end of the month) 

What you will need to do this project!

  1. Cardboard witch hats
  2. Acrylic paint (black, orange, etc)
  3. sponge paint brushes
  4. plastic cups 
  5. glitter (using the Martha Stewart halloween edition. I love the colors)
  6. ribbons
  7. glue 
  8. Cat Helper (that's optional... My cat Figaro always likes to help me) 

Here is Figaro ready to help!

Start painting the hat. I just poured the paint in the cup. Be sure to cover your work surface with newspaper or plastic. This is a bit messy. 

All the hats are painted black. Time to start decorating. 

I added orange dots by dipping the tip of the handle in orange and just dabbing the brim of the hat. 

Just add glue and sprinkle glitter 

Figaro is inspecting the hats. He is quality it's his job to make sure everything is puurrrfect (sorry for the cheesy joke) 

All done. I added ribbons to some. I still have to finish knitting the items that will be with each hat. You can see one item a ghost has been done. I will be posting my knitted stuff when I am done. 

Hope this gave you some ideas. It would be fun party activity, everyone decorate their own hat or just something for halloween decor. Happy October! Be crafty everyone.